Blog 4

The two-fairy tales I chose to blog about were Brother Grimm, “The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich”, and Giovanni Straparola, “The Pig King”; I chose to focus on the sex and violence aspect of these two-fairy tales as well.  
Image result for pig king
Both stories reflect a lot of violence opposed to the usual beauty and the beast tale. The imagery of violence is present in both tales, it is more prominent in “The Pig King”, but the “The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich also displays violence to some degree. 

In the tale of, “The Pig King” violence was displayed by the pig viciously killing the first two sisters. In the text, it says, “The bride determined she would kill her betrothed that night, but the pig prince overheard and killed her with his hoofs before she had the chance to kill him”. Violence was show on both the princesses behave as well as the pig; the princess was planning to kill the frog which reflects cruelty and violence. The princess was not willing to give the pig a chance, she instead had a set mind to hurt the pig just because of his appearance. The pig also shows us violence because he killed the princess before she could kill him. The pig literally beat both sisters to death with his hooves, the imagery of that scene is very hard to even imagine because it so brutal. This relates to the tale, “The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich”, because the princess also displayed violence and anger to readers. 
In the tale, “The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich”, the princess also displays violence by throwing the frog against the wall. This may not be nearly as extreme as someone being killed with hooves but opposed to the normal version of beauty and the beast this is still very violent.  
Image result for princess and princeNeither of these stories resemble much sex or sexual imagery. The tale, “The Pig King”, shows slight reference to sex by giving the imagery of a man being born as a pig. If creates the conflict that since this human was born as an animal, which bring discussion about before he transforms, would be classified as a human or an animal.  

I personal like the story of, “The Pig King”, more. I like the tale more because it is very different from the original beauty and the beast film and tales that I were exposed to growing up. This story was very intense and kept me eager to read each sentence. The suspense was present throughout the entire story which I really enjoyed, and I would like to continue to read tales that have just as much intensity. I like the other story as well, but out of the two I definitely enjoyed “The Pig King” more. 


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